Normal service will be resumed as soon as I’ve got my zen back

I got exhausted, full-on mind and body exhausted, and blogging two thousand words a day didn’t help. It was fun, but it became almost maniacal, and in the end I burned out. So I’m having a bit of a rest, from everything, to try to get some perspective back. I started practicing mindfulness a few … More Normal service will be resumed as soon as I’ve got my zen back

Somerset People

A most glorious short film that makes you ask the big questions – why are we doing this? Why are we beating ourselves up every waking hour, merely to survive? There has to be a better way, surely, if only we had the courage to escape from the safety of drudgery. Edit: as it turned … More Somerset People

The Flying Monk

A pub full of alcoholic psychics, an apprentice witch who prefers vacuum cleaners to broomsticks and a ghostly black dog that houses the spirit of an eleventh century monk called Eilmer, who history states once built himself wings and flew from the roof of the Abbey, and who has been trying to recreate the feat … More The Flying Monk