Return to the Great Breach Wood

I’d forgotten how beautiful these woods are, an almost perfect combination of deep dark paths and flower-filled sunny rides. It’s been a few years since I last went, but I won’t be leaving it so long until the next time.

Arguably the best view in Somerset.

You can walk down into the Breach itself, but the dogs decided against it. OK, I decided against it – the dogs would have loved it!

They were happy enough on the main paths through the woods anyway.

And then of course there were the butterflies – countless Whites, Meadow Browns, Red Admirals, and of course Gatekeepers, which seem to be everywhere this year.

This Ringlet came with added Harvestman…

The star of the show though was this Silver-Washed Fritillary, gorging itself on the Knapweed. I was really hoping the Fritillaries weren’t ‘over’ for the year, and delighted that this one at least was sticking around.

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